Sunday, August 7, 2011

This is for Vicki

Vicki's comment on yesterday's post sounded like a challenge to i stayed up till midnight last night.....finishing up my selvage word for my word quilt. 

Here you go, Vicki......LOL

Starting tomorrow the   blog is showing instructions to make a word quilt. her words will be patchwork. i might make the rest of my words on this quilt patchwork....who knows. or they might all be selvages.

But the point is to have fun and try something new. selvage letters are not as easy as they look. LOL

I sewed the selvage strips on a 7" square of white fabric and then cut strips. i wanted all of these letters to be 6" tall so that is why i did it that way.

The other words on this quilt will not be the same height...or width...or anything. so, expect craziness.

The only thing i would do differently if i were to do this again would be to use a background that has more contrast. but i had a few yards of this and wanted to use it.

I might try more words tonight....i have to think on it some.

I also have to put the furniture back in the plant porch where i finished painting the floor yesterday morning. that might be tonight's project, too.

Right now i AM going to go finish my quilt that is on the frame.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my. You do love a challenge, don't you!! That's one of the many reasons we love you ... and laugh WITH you!


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