Friday, September 30, 2011

Blue Gems on Point

This selvage quilt is from a pattern in Karen Griska's book...Quilts from the Selvage Edge.  i think this is the third of her patterns i have made. a great book if you are at all interested in selvage quilting. 

This is just the quilting yet. I pulled all my blue fabrics that i had no other use for and cut out 10" squares for the foundations. after adding selvages, i trimmed them down to 9.5"   i think i might have showed you the first 4 rows....this is how it looked originally.

But i decided that looked too messy and disorganized. so i took all those blocks apart and sorted them by foundation fabrics to see what i actually had. then i decided to put them together so the same fabrics surrounded the little diamonds of selvages. better, i think. This navy blue polka dot made my eyes cross while stitching.

I really like this one of the sea scene.

I tried to plan them out so the same color blocks would not be next to each other. it is still busy...that is the way of selvage quilts...but in a 'controlled' busy way. LOL

This top didn't need is already 90 x 108" and kind of heavy. i will keep it for our bed. 

The thing i like about selvage quilts is that it doesn't matter if points don't match up...normally they won't...selvages can be any width unless you choose them not to be. i love the scrappiness of it all.

My blue selvage box was stuffed to overflowing and after all this.....i still have half a box left....enough for at least one more quilt....maybe 2.

So now it goes to marinade in the to be quilted cabinet. but it has to come out and be quilted by February so i can take it to a talk i am giving on selvage quilts.

Hope you like it.


  1. Just enough randomness and just enough continuity, imho. Love how it sparkles...

  2. I think is great! Turned out very nice! Enjoy!!


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