Friday, September 30, 2011

Busy day

The last 3 weeks i have been recouperating from gallbladder surgery and spent most of my days on the couch or in the recliner.  it was sooooo boring.

Today i hit the ground running since i got up at is now 8pm and i am just slowing down.

Today's agenda included:

...eye doctor appointment at 9am
...stopped at yard sale across street from eye doc
...went to SubWay for brunch (it was 10:30....can you call that lunch?  LOL)
...stopped at WalMart to return some stuff and brought different stuff home.
...stopped at pharmacy to refill prescription
...filled truck with gas (at $3.07 a gallon...woohoo!)
...bought a scratcher lottery ticket for $2 and won $2   woopee LOL

...about noon went to the studio:
...finished quilting what was on the frame
...embroidered 2 pocket pets for new quilt
...put entry on blog for last quilt

...about 3:30 went to town with hubby to pre-yard sale
...bought 2 bookcases

...came home:
...baked apple pie from granny smith apples from our trees
...did 2 loads laundry
...pieced 4 blocks for next quilt top

Now i think i am going to sit for a bit and chill. but while i am sitting, i will turn the 2 pocket pets right side out and stuff them. i may be in bed before midnight tonight.

I think i am getting better.


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