Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pocket Pets and other stuff

Did i tell you about the quilt i am making for a 3 year old girl's birthday?  it will have pockets .... to practice zippers, snaps, ties, and velcro. in the pockets will be stuffed pets.

So far, i have a cat and a pig.

And a butterfly, bunny and dog.

Plan A was to put small dolls in the pockets but i couldn't find anything small enough that was soft. so i remembered i had an embroidery CD that makes small animals and i think they will work just fine.

I need to make 3 more. it's hard to decide which ones to make. i like the alligator...but does a 3 year old care about an alligator...or even know what one is?  there is a horse, cow, monkey, bear, snail, lion, turtle, koala, whale, tiger, racoon, chick, giraffe, lamb and elephant.  hard to choose just 3.

Which 3 would you choose?  perhaps i should make extra and send them, too.

While i am contemplating that....i tangled an egg gourd last night. first i painted it with red acrylic paint and then got my permanent marker and had fun.

I like doing helps the brain with quilting designs, too.

This was done in a couple pretty quick and easy.

Now i have a large queen size quilt on the frame to start on. there is lots and lots of space for playing.

1 comment:

  1. I think I would include a giraffe, monkey lamb and or elephant. those are adorable, by the way! You are so darned talented!! And I love the egg!!


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