Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This and that

Today i have for you a jumble of this and that .... works finished and observations.

I have 2 more pocket pets for Abby's quilt... a turtle and a tiger. i actually have a monkey finished, too...but i forgot and left it at the house. i decided to walk to the studio this morning .... and my bag is still in my truck from class yesterday....along with the monkey.  sigh!  alzheimers closing in fast. LOL

And i tangled my yellow egg gourd. 

Do you see the word "love" here?  i have the pic upside down. oops!

I finally finished piecing the Diamonds and Rails top. i wanted to put it aside...with just the last row to do....but i made myself finish it...after all...don't i have ENOUGH UFOs already!!  LOL  i put a plain black border on it and now it just needs quilting.

Technically, that is STILL a UFO, isn't it.  but at least the top is finished.

Today when i got to the studio i found this on my screen door.

A stick bug....these guys just fascinate me. it took a bit to figure out which end was the head. i believe it is the top. there are feeler like things at the very tip of the top. and the bottom...the tail?...is forked, too. fascinating.

These guys get huge out here. this one is over 4" long. i have seen one about 7".  hard to imagine what they eat.

And on the south side of the studio....i have this little lady staying busy outside a window. unfortunately, this is the bottom side of her...i think she is repairing her web.  the belly is yellow and black...pretty.

She is pretty large....a couple of inches. but as long as she stays outside...she can live. if she gets in...she's toast. LOL

I found this, too....it is not far from her web....i am thinking it is full of spider babies.

It is over an inch long.....shudder!!  how many hundreds of babies are in there?

Then....as if THAT wasn't enough....in the next window i see THIS....another one!

She better tell those babies to stay outside.

Now i need to get back to work. i almost have the quilt on the frame finished....just a few Quiltazoid flowers to go.

See ya!


  1. I've got to make one of those quilts!

  2. Very pretty quilt! I'm not so sure about the spiders though??? I think I would have to exterminate, b ut I REALLY hate spiders!!


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