Friday, September 2, 2011

Driveways and Bunnies

I like our place....but i hate our driveway. it seems no matter what we still sucks. dh is always out on the tractor with the blade...straightening it up and moving the rocks back where they belong.

The house is on a bit of a the driveway is a hill. walking up this hill tests your leg muscles. driving up the hill challenges my truck, slides in the rocks.

This is the bottom is not as bad as the top half. but along with a leans sort of to the right. so, every time there is a good rain the water washes off the rock from the driveway onto the lawn. and the land behind the house is further up another by the time that rain water is coming down that is a gully washer.

I finally got tired of shoveling those rocks off the lawn and back up onto the driveway. i know there has to be a better way. we thought of blacktopping the drive but that is expensive and you have to maintain it. so, i decided to use the landscape stones we had to build a 'wall' to try and keep the rock from flowing onto the lawn.

It doesn't look all that exciting but i sure hope this helps. if not, i need to come up with a plan B. as you can see....the lawn got a bit chopped up when hubby decided to use the tractor to shove all the rocks into a pile....making it easier for me to shovel them back onto the driveway. it didn't really just got dirt and grass all mixed in with the rocks. but he did leave the shovel out there for me. LOL

I really want the wall to be 2 stones high. it looks like you really meant to create a wall there. i think with one layer it just looks like you threw some stones out there for whatever reason. but i ran out of stones before i got it 2 high all the way down. i need 36 more. so, the next time i go to town AND remember to stop and get some AND have money to buy them AND they have what i need....i'll get 36 more.

In the meantime...this is it. now i am waiting for a good rain to see if Plan A worked. after i laid them all out i mentioned to hubby that it is just a matter of time before someone runs into them and knocks them out of whack. the only question is will it be me or him.....or the UPS guy. LOL  but it will be easier to put them back in place than shoveling that rock.

I did give some thought to building a concrete wall but i figured the first time someone ran into it and busted it up...then it would look like crap. so moving stones back into place would be easier.

And now for some cuteness for this post.  Late afternoon...early evening....every day...i find this in my driveway at the top... where we park our trucks.

It is just so cute and cuddly looking...occasionally there are two of them. we have pretty many rabbits now....i see little babies running around. our dog loves to chase them. thankfully, she hasn't caught one yet. they are not so cute when they eat things in the garden but i like to watch them hopping around and nibbling on the grass.

Break is over...back to work. i am committed to busting 200 more yards of fabric from my stash this year. that will put my yearly totals at 500 yards. i think i can do it. i know there is enough fabric to do it. LOL   i just need to buckle down and sew.


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