Thursday, September 1, 2011

I really don't have time for this

I went this morning to get a sonogram on my fatty liver. LOL   doc is on my case these days. i'm trying to do better.

Practically as soon as i got home....the doctor's office called and informed me that my gall bladder is full of stones....yeck!  and they want to do surgery to remove it. well, shoot.....i don't have time for that. i have quilts to quilt....places to go.....people to see.....demolition to do.  sigh!!

I have an appointment with a surgeon tomorrow to talk about it. i think i only want to do it laproscopically.....recoup time is under a week compared to 4-6 weeks for 'open' surgery when they make a 5 to 7" incision. ouch!!  this is the price i pay for my life of junk food eating.

I gotta do better.

Have you had this done?  got any good words for me?


  1. I don't know anything about that surgery but I hope you get the simplest surgery with the fastest recovery!

  2. I had the laproscopic GB surgery done a couple years ago....that's definitely the way to go if you can.

    Best wishes for easy surgery and fast recovery!

  3. I did and was off work 2 weeks. There is somethings I can't eat, like beef, and anything high in fat but I don't have the pain anymore. Good luck to you.

  4. I was already scheduled for gall bladder surgery when my doctor decided it was time for a hysterectomy. I asked to have both surgeries done at the same time - one anesthesia, one hospital stay, one recovery period. To me all those parts were between my waist and knees, so why not? They did laproscopic GB and then open surgery for the other. Good luck to you; I'm sure you'll do fine.

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. You come across as a "no reply" so to answer your question on the * signs - they are to keep my blog from being pegged for something when someone googles that item.

    Good luck with the GB surgery. I am a nurse and I would say that laproscoptic is the only way to go. Recovery is quick. Much better to get that thing out of there and not worry about problems down the road.

  6. I am sure you will be up and at 'em as soon as you are able, just make sure you listen to your doctor and give yourself time to recuperate!!!

  7. You'll do fine,Laproscopic is the way to go, if you have a choice. Where are you having it done? when? I'll be praying for you!

  8. I had emergency gall bladder surgery in May. Apparently I had just one very large stone which blocked the opening and caused the gall bladder to turn gangrenous. They were able to do it laparoscopically and the recovery period for the surgery was very quick. Unfortunately, I developed an infection which took two rounds of antibiotics to cure and then pleurisy which I still have. No problems with spicy foods or wine; however most food just doesn't taste good anymore and my appetite has decreased radically. I've lost 25 pounds since May without even trying. I'm now only 25 pounds overweight!


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