Friday, September 23, 2011

My fantasy garden

Since my real garden this year was a dismal failure.....i made a fantasy garden.....where all the veggies that you plant grow big and tall and no bugs eat them. it rains sufficintly to water them nicely and the sun cooperates and finishes the job.

I have 12 different veggies and they all look scrumptious.

I have a rooster to scratch around for bugs, a scarecrow to scare away the rabbits and a birdhouse.

Now it just needs to be quilted up. perhaps by next growing season....then i can just hang my fantasy garden and forget about the weeds out in the real garden patch.

Did you garden this year?  did you have any success?


  1. Hi Shirley,
    This will look great in your kitchen at the Duck (either on the wall or side board). Looks neat.
    Christine D

  2. Shirley, nice lookin' quilt.
    My garden was hit & miss this year. Lots of evil bugs eating my produce, and stressed plants (first from the spring drowning, then the summer drought). Life on the farm... sigh. :-)

  3. Very cute! I gave up on gardening long time ago, no time! This would be the way to go :)


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