Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I had doctor appointments yesterday to get checked over and see if i'll live. LOL

The first was just the regular MD who is trying to get my blood pressure down. he changed the meds once again..the 3rd change in about a year. none of the others worked. i have taken this new one before and it didn't work i have no illusions that it will work now, either.

He gripes at me about my weight....and i am losing ... slowly. since the last month i was there....i lost 7 pounds. he never says a word about that. just keeps saying...No Salt!!   and i don't salt things...never have. i even had fries the other day without salt.

So i shall continue to try and eat right and lose weight and hopefully give up these pills.

Then in the afternoon i saw the surgeon from the gall bladder surgery. he says i am good to go. YEA!!!  still can't lift anything over 10 pounds for 3 more weeks. but i am a bit more that is good. i even drove going over there and didn't need a chauffeur. LOL

So now i can stop spending all my time here...

And here...

And get out to the studio more. i might even quilt some today or tomorrow.

But while chilling the last week and doing some piecing at the house ... here...

I did get a bit accomplished. i have 3 rows finished on my Diamonds and Rails quilt top from Mary Johnson's pattern. see it at   she has great patterns that are easy and fun. this pic is actually showing the top sideways...picture it with the rails going horizontally...just cock your head over. LOL

This is a great pattern to use up a bunch of stash. i am using 11" blocks. they go quickly.

I've also been piecing a top with my blue selvages. i have 4 rows done on it.

I have been mixing it up but not sure that is what i should be doing. i cut a bunch of blue fabrics to use as foundations that i wanted to get rid of. see those little diamonds that come together in the middles?  i'm wondering if i should put those blocks together so the fabric around them are all the same. what do you think? once i got a few rows put together and looked at it .... it looked pretty 'messy' to me. and it's not really toooo much trouble to take the blocks back apart and resew them. although i usually don't take something apart and redo it....i think i should here.

So...what do you think????   should i re-do it and put the same colors and patterns together to have a little more cohesiveness in the backgrounds?

Oh, and i bought myself a present....hahahahaha    last week when i went with my sister to some thrift stores i found this star and loved it. i purposely left my money in the truck that day so i wouldn't buy anything. but i thought about it all week and since we were going by the store on the way to the appointment with the surgeon....i ran in and got it. i'm glad it was still there.

It's about 2 foot across. most of these that i have seen have been metal. i'm thinking this is made of wood...or perhaps they just covered the metal ...don't know. there is a backing that is a piece of some kind of board. i love the burlap covering and the leather strips. it feels like there might be a batting of some type under the burlap.

Here...take a closer look

Isn't it great? it's not heavy...and will hang at the Duck. and the price was only $30 so i think i did good. and now i can quit thinking about it.

I won't tell you about the great china cabinet that i saw yesterday for a steal with beautiful old fashioned wavy glass doors and glass shelves with curvy edges on them. sigh!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that everything checked out ok for you! It is nice to be able to get back to "normal". Just don't push it!
    Love the Diamonds and Rails!


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