Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jump back in

I have had all the sit down and lay down i can stand. today i am going to the studio. it may just be for a few hours but i am going to do SOMETHING....even if it's wrong. i cannot stand to lay around any more.

I actually slept laying down last night....and slept all night....and got up feeling ok.  tonight i think i will try sleeping in my bed. it is rather high and i couldn't get up there before....and i might need a stepstool tonight....but i think i am ready for a somewhat normal existence.

So, today i will go and play with fabric for a bit.....perhaps push my longarm around a little.....and see how it works.

I cannot be immobile any longer.

And tomorrow is class day......i am looking forward to that, too.

Stay tuned to see how it all works out.


  1. Good luck with whatever you do, but don't push it too far! You know I just had to say that :) It's the nurse in me! Have a good day no matter.
    Luv ya!!

  2. Sound like you are back to your old self.....just be careful Shirley"


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