Thursday, September 15, 2011

Trying to be good

I am home from my gallbladder surgery on Monday...actually came home Tuesday....and am trying to be good and not overdo it.

If you know know that is hard for me.

I can now get up out of the chair a bit easier without holding my stomach and grimacing. my sis came down to check on me and brought me some yogurt and fruit to eat. yesterday we just hung out because it was raining all day.

But today we decided to drive to the next town and check out a couple of new thrift stores. i took a cane as an aid in walking. i didn't have much trouble walking about but getting in and out of her truck was troublesome. it is somewhat tall and i have short legs so after struggling with that 2 or 3 times i was sort of hurting.

By the time we got back home and stopped at the studio i was ready for a pain pill. i guess between bouncing around in the truck and getting in and out i had enough for the day. i had some pretty intense pain for a bit....felt like, that hurt. but i took a pain pill and a 2 hour nap and woke up feeling much better.

Tomorrow is an eye doctor, i'll be traveling those same roads. but it should be easier.

I've been basically moving from my recliner to my chair in the kitchen where i am doing some piecing on a blue selvage quilt top. i actually laid on the couch tonight to watch Project Runway and managed to get up off the couch without hurting myself. progress is being made.

Hopefully in a couple more days it will be even easier and i can go play at the studio for a bit. navigating those stairs over there today was misery so i figure a couple more days will be better.

I hate being bored and not able to do what i want to do. forced relaxation and R&R is not for me. LOL   and hours of TV watching is not my favorite thing, either. but i still have weeks of taking it easy so i guess i better get used to it. think i'll get out some markers and do a bit of zentangling.....i haven't done any of it in a while.

I have to see if i can use my AccuQuilt machine. i have diamonds to cut.

Gonna go chill for a while and read and then off to bed.



  1. Hey ~ don't you have some cross stitching to do? Glad you are progressing in your healing ~ keep up the good work listening to your body!

  2. You better take it easy lady!! Glad you are feeling somewhat better!
    Luv ya!

  3. My sweetie is not as tough as she thinks she is, but she is on the way to getting better. "IF" she will listen to "ME" - LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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