Sunday, October 30, 2011

I might be a bit Monkish

I was checking out the local thrift stores the other day and off in a corner i spied a box with 30 glass spice jars in it for $2.00 .... couldn't pass that up....they came home with me.

I washed them all up and printed out some new labels and got rid of all my old spice containers....different sizes, different they all look pretty.

I keep them all in alphabetical order, too.  perhaps a little Monkish...but it works for me.

Who knew i could fill 30 spice i am out of 2 or 3 i could actually use a few more.

How many spices do you normally keep in the cupboard?  can you beat 30?  LOL


  1. Had to chuckle to myself when I saw this post. I have somewhere around 90 different herbs, spices, seasonings in their bottles, on shallow shelves on the side wall of my pantry...and they're alphabetized! I would save the square-shaped bottles from the Spice Hunter brand, soak the labels off and use my label maker to make new ones. Can't find that brand around here anymore though.

  2. I have many spices, but don't cook a lot, so they are really old, I'm sure. I have all of mine in little Tupperware containers, all neat on a carousel. Looks good anyway! :)


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