Sunday, October 30, 2011

October UFO Challenge

This is another class quilt that was designed by my friend, Marilea. She gave us the fabrics and each month we made a block. It took a year to complete and it's been aging in my quilting cabinet for a couple years. But thanks to Judy Laquidara's UFO Challenge for 2011...this one got finished. It was October's challenge.

I did something new for me with this one....i used 2 battings. wool on the bottom and warm and natural cotton on top. it is kinda heavy...but it will stay with me so it should keep hubby warm when he is complaining of being cold.

I used King Tut on the top and Bottom Line in the bobbin. I was pressed for time and decided not to get too fancy. It is all ruler work...i like the geometric feel of it. but don't let anyone tell you ruler work is took me 4 days.

Marilea gave us a story along with the instructions. about a woman named Sarah in the Civil War and her quilt. she always makes class interesting.

I'm glad i used her fabrics this time because i tend to use brighter fabrics but this one needed the darks.

It's hard to get a straight on pic of the back for me unless i take the quilt down and turn it around and i'm too lazy to do that. LOL

I keep telling myself to move the hanger another place but this spot works the best ... except for the back shot.

We are about to start this year's quilt and it looks rather challenging. Marilea tends to use 9" blocks and if you have lots of pieces you are cutting strange measurements. sometimes i redraw her design in EQ and make it a 12" block and that usually works out better for me....i don't like cutting 1/8s and 1/16s.

Now i have to get busy on November's challenge.....the monochromatic challenge is black and white and one color. i'm using yellow.


  1. I love that quilt Shirley, glad you got it finished.

  2. Fabulous finish! Neat idea to use 2 battings! I'm sure it made the quilting more challenging!

  3. What a beautiful quilt! You did a wonderful job on the quilting, and I'll bet it is super warm and cozy with the double batting. Congrats on a great finish! :o)

  4. Gorgeous! Looks to me like aging in a quilting cabinet for 2 years is a good thing, because it is really lovely! Nice quilting too! Hope to see the next one move along well.

  5. And a truly fine finish it is - this is a masterpiece. Gorgeous quilt. Judy C

  6. Beautiful quilt! Very different. I love cross-hatching for the quilting--has an authentic feeling. congratulations on making a wonderful quilt!

  7. This one is SO BEAUTIFUL! You inspire me to GET BUSY! I've been on a sewing starvation diet for too many months. It is time to feed my creativity again.

  8. I can't believe a masterpiece like that sat neglected! I'd have been itching through the whole year to finish so I could show it off. It's beautiful and though your quilting might be simple, it works perfectly to let the blocks shine.

  9. That is one gorgeous quilt! Just like fine wines, some quilts need to age so we can really appreciate their depth and character. You did a wonderful job on this one and so did Marilea in designing it. Is there a quilt show in the future for this one?


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