Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ladies of the World and a sneak peek

While doing some excavation in my studio closet I came across some blocks from the Aunt Sophie inheritance. They are probably from the 60s.  Aunt Sophie might have painted them....but it is more likely that her daughter, Pat, painted them for her. Pat did a lot of the painting and embroidery to help keep the production line going. LOL

The fabric is sort of a stiff fabric...like you would use for lining a bag...these were made to be painted with tube paints. I used to have some and painted lots of stuff back then in my other life. LOL  I believe Aunt Sophie got me started in this.

They had paint parties....like today's tupperware parties or jewelry parties. There was a little case with an insert that had holes that held the paints upright. And you had a small kind of pliers. you could replace the tips of the tube paints if they clogged up or started to leak.

You used the top of the case for the surface to paint on. it had a ring around the outside like an embroidery hoop. my goodness, memories....LOL  You could buy dresser scarfs and doilies and quilt blocks and other stuff...all to paint. 

I used my map fabric to border the little blocks and then used the last of the dark brown with spots for sashing. and then another border of map fabric. only have about a yard of that left. may use it for binding.

There were 24 of the ladies so this is queen size. here are a few more.

I didn't take pictures of all of them...but you get the idea. I will keep this after it is quilted so i can remember Aunt Sophie and the tube paints. I think it is quite adorable.

Yesterday my friend Brenda came by with a project that i helped her with. She wanted me to embroider some designs for her. I can't show you all of it yet because she reads my blog and i don't want her to see this piece. she has seen the other two...but they were sort of plain. this piece is super...here's a sneak peek.

I think Brenda will like it and i hope the recipient likes it, too.  this whole piece took over 3 hours to embroidery. so i am done with that for today...will finish up tomorrow, i think.

Gonna go chill out for a bit before making homemade pizza for dinner.


1 comment:

  1. That is a very cute quilt! I used to have some of those paints, myself. I used to paint all kinds of things with them. I have no idea what happened to them though, they probably dried out and got pitched :(


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