Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sweet baby quilt top

Well, it's not officially a quilt yet.....but it is a top.

While digging through fabric to donate i found some pink flannel. at first i put it in the box to donate. there was plain pink and some pink with tiny roses. then i found a charm pack that i thought would go with the pink. so i dug the pink flannels back out of the donation box and put this together last night.

It's a bit small....only 42x47.....but for a newborn it might be just the thing to wrap up with.

There were only 2 plain yellow blocks left and i threw them in the scrap yellow box.

I still have a bit of the pink roses flannel left. not enough for the backing...but i kept it anyway in the hopes i could add something to it and use it for the backing when i quilt it.

It is all flannel except for the charm will be nice and cozy.

I'm off to add more quilts to eBay today. i managed 14 of them yesterday. if you are in the market for a quilt go to ebay and check them out. my seller name is    shimmymom

You will see this

and this

and this

and others.


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