Friday, October 21, 2011

Today was eBay day

I decided today i should stop talking about it and start doing something about it.

I have wanted to get my quilts out on eBay for some time....the studio is filling up. I am keeping everything in plastic tubs to keep the mice out and I'm running out of plastic tubs. this is experience talking.

I started at the studio at 8am....good for me....these days i might not even be up by then. and i worked till 4:30. i got 14 quilts listed. all shapes and sizes....from $20 to $400. hopefully i can sell a few and buy a few more windows for the Duck.

It's been a while since i sold anything on eBay so there was a bit of a learning curve on the picture insertion. they changed things a bit. i had to go and resize my pics first and then fight their system to get them to upload. but it finally turned out ok and i was successful.

I took pictures of a few more before i left for the day. i think tomorrow will be another eBay day. couldn't hurt. i have some embroidery CDs to put out there and a few other things.

If you are inclined to take a look....look for seller   shimmymom   that's me.

Since i basically sat on my butt all day i spent 30 minutes outside stacking some firewood for hubby so he'll be ready for the snow and he can start up his wood heater. we got frost this morning for the first colder weather is not far behind.

Gonna go rest up now.


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