Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm tired of nature

Most days i like 'living off the land' .... gardens and fruit trees.....blackberries and persimmons and black walnuts. but today i am officially done with nature. no more picking black walnuts and hulling them. more black fingers.  i have great respect for the folks in the 'good ole days' who toiled all day every day just to get food on the table to feed their families. at least i don't have to go out and shoot game for dinner.

I have 2 containers of persimmons in the freezer...enough for this winter's breads and cakes and cookies. enough walnuts to crack for several years.

I got rid of the chest freezer in the barn. we never kept it full and it was old and not energy efficient. it will be replaced with a new, smaller model. there was corn on the cob in there from 2007. and loads of green beans and banana peppers. we always seem to freeze veggies and then forget they are in there. the new rule around here is no freezing of veggies. a friend bought the old freezer for her son so it has a life elsewhere for a while.

I believe today will be an eBay day. i have loads of quilts that are taking over my studio and i need to get them sold. hopefully today i will get a large portion of them listed. if you're in the market for a new quilt go on over to eBay and give them a  look. might be something you like....Christmas is coming you know.  look for a seller called .... shimmymom .... that would be me. and just so we are, it does not mean i am a belly dancer....shudder....bad picture. LOL   it is the name of our last dog.

So, i need to go start my day. hope yours is fun.


1 comment:

  1. My honey amazes me with her get up and go she is always busy, busy, busy. She is a sweetheart. I am a lucky man.


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