Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Local quilt show in Urbana, IL

My sis and i had a day trip and visited a quilt show in Urbana, IL at the Holiday Inn. it was put on by a local guild. i didn't count but there were probably about 75 quilts there. we got to vote for all the different categories. i had to go around and look 2 or 3 times. they were all great.

I started out taking some pics and then got wrapped up in just looking. this was a huge applique and was so colorful.

And i liked this sampler...mainly blue and yellow

And this one is really bright but my pic is kind of fuzzy. i really liked it.

This was by far my favorite. i went back to look at it several times. it has machine embroidery on it and it just gorgeous.

Here are a few closeups of the blocks

The machine embrodiery looks like lace

I voted for that one for best of show....i hope it won.

I have discovered it is the Latte Quilt and i have already gotten a book and CD to make one like it.

They had a boutique in the hall with all kinds of hand made crafts to buy and also had a bake sale in another room. i did get a few things in the bake sale room to take home to dh. in his words...."he likes goodies"...LOL

I spoke to several vendors there. one lady made awesome baskets with wooden divisions in the you several places to carry fabric or yarn or whatever. and a button lady had some crocheted necklaces with buttons on them that i thought were charming. she said that she paid particular attention to having each side of the necklace be the same it sat squarely. pretty clever.

We hadn't been to a show in a while and it was nice to go for the day.  in my favor...i did not buy ANY fabric....i only came away with a magazine. that might be a first. LOL

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