Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Duck is pretty...on the outside

The Duck is looking prettier on the outside. it would have been nice had i remembered to take a picture....but i didn't.

The yard guy that i hired to cut my grass during the summer is doing a fine job. this last weekend was the first time i was down there in about 2 months. it is so nice to go down and not have grass 12 inches high.

And i also spoke to him about cutting out those ugly shrubs along the front of the house. i just talked to him about those on Sunday.....and when i went down on Tuesday to take a load of furniture....he already had the bushes whacked down.  he still has to dig out the roots but it looks soooo much better. i filled a whole trash bag with the crap that was under those bushes. people!!

I really wasn't able to do much work when i was done there. on saturday i spent 2 hours and 3 hours on sunday. nothing exciting accomplished. just picking up trash and carrying it out to the garage. i did manage to get the vinyl off the back steps .... tacked on with about 100 upholstery tacks. and under that was green carpet....i think the indoor/outdoor stuff. it was glued to the steps so i couldn't get that off. but those steps will be replaced so it will disappear eventually.

I came home on Sunday and then turned around and did another day trip down there on Tuesday to take 4 pieces of furniture that i had stored in the barn here at the farm. i think dh was ready for me to get my stuff out of his barn. LOL

One piece was the barnwood hutch that i had gotten a few weeks back.

And i took 2 bookcases that i had gotten at a yard sale. this one is unfinished and heavy.

And this one is 7-8 feet tall with a curvy top. it is also heavy. i will paint it another color...not sure what yet.

But now i am home again for a while. i spent my morning picking up black walnuts....hundreds of them.....3 hours worth.  we throw them all in the driveway and drive over them until the hulls are smashed off. after i cleaned up the driveay of what was there....i picked up the last of them out of the yard and threw them in the driveway. i have a large trash can full of this years nuts...hulled and ready to dry out for next year.  and i am beginning to crack last years nuts for some good bread and cookies this season.

I have been working on my Dear Jane blocks some, too. i only have 1 more block to do and then rows A through E will be finished. i do have 4 or 5 of row F done, too.

I feel like i need a nap. my sleep is all disrupted lately. i go to bed too early....about 10....and then wake up at 2:30. i get up and sew for a couple hours then go back to bed for a few hours. somehow my internal clock is all messed up.

OK...gonna go be constructive.

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