Friday, October 14, 2011

What season is this?

My hands are black....even with gloves on.

My back is tired

My shoulders are tired

WHY.?'s black walnut season, that's why.

I haven't done too much lately but dig under the trees.  we have 7 black walnut trees at the farm (that i have found so far). LOL   at least these are close to the house.  and i have 2 across the road at the studio. that's a LOT of black walnuts, folks.

Most of them fall nicely in the yard and on the driveway. but there are 3 trees that are over a gully. with sticker bushes.....and other unfriendly things. so it is a challenge to find those. i do have one of those long handle things to pick things up with. it helps me get in the poison oak and such. LOL

And, naturally, the nuts that are not yet down off the trees are the ones over this gully. dang    Oh, wear a hat while really hurts if one falls on your head.  i know.

We gather them in 5 gallon buckets....i picked up 8 buckets tonight. then we throw them out in the driveway. after driving over them coming and going for a few days the hulls are smashed off and the sun dries them out a bit.

Then i get to take my milk crate and sit out there and pick them all up (again). even hubby helped this morning. he used the pick up bending over for him. LOL     i think he is the smart one. although after a few hundred of them....the pick up thingy hurts my hands.

So, want some black walnuts?   i have them all hulled for you. the cracking is up to you. let me know.  i get 11-12 pounds of those babies in a large USPS priority box and they can be yours for $25.  (15 of that is shipping).  i probably have 10 boxes or more left. send me an email and let me know how many boxes you want. they make excellent cookies, breads, and cakes. and keep indefinitely in the freezer. although my freezer nuts never make it past 2 years....we like them. dh puts them in his ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm honey you forgot to say this blackwalnut thing happens EVERY year. Ah life in the country "you gotta love it"


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