Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm in pain

The Duck has done me in. LOL

While trying to pry plywood off a porch wall last Friday at the Duck, i pinched a nerve in my back. you don't have to try that....just take my word for hurts...BAD!  doc says it is the sciatic nerve. it runs from the back....down the outside of the butt...down the outside of the the knee. it can also go to the leg and foot....but mine stopped at the knee.

Monday i got 2 hip xrays and 4 knee xrays.

Tuesday Doc says hips have arthritis....i knew that. doc says knees are ok. but i get 3 anti inflammatory; a muscle relaxer; and a narcotic for pain. i don't really get any pain relief from these....but the narcotic knocks me out for a few hours. so i am pain free then but am not awake to enjoy it. sucks!

Wednesday i get 5 back xrays.

Thursday i go to physical therapy. the therapist works on my back...she says i am not aligned. my back has not hurt through any of this. but she says there are 2 discs in my back that have severe arthritis and seem to be fusing themselves together. and the 2 dics above and 2 below are out of alignment. and the pelvis is turned. how come none of that hurts?  but she realigns me and pronounces my back better.

She also tells me that my hip is twisted and my kneecap is stuck and not where it should be. she pushed and pulls on my leg and sort of fixes the hip. when she tries to mess with the knee i just scream with pain. she put me on a leg press machine to loosen up the muscles. then i get back on the table and she adjusts some more.

She never got the kneecap back where it belongs. she says i cannot relax enough for her to do it. but relaxing in pain is really hard for me. so my homework is to walk straight and don't limp; walk as much as possible; and try and move the kneecap around to see if it can center itself.

I go back fact every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next few weeks. i hope she can give me some relief from this knee thing. i cannot do anything in pain.

Although i have been piecing when i can....there won't be any quilting going on around here for some time. and my demolition days at the Duck are over for the year.

But don't give up on me....i'll be back. in the meantime i'll just have to show you things that i have pieced rather than quilting.


  1. Ow ... hope the PT helps you, and hope that you don't try to play doctor on your own LOL
    Feel better soon ...

  2. Hi Shirley,
    Although you are injured; you should be so happy with your huge progress at The Duck. It is looking really great, so tidy and with the good bones to work with, you will be up and running in the new year.
    Get well soon. Christine D.

  3. Shirley I'm sorry about all your problems. Lynn had Sciatica several years ago from bulging discs in his back and it was also in his hip that he felt the pain. His lasted about 10 weeks. Hope you can get a grip on your pain soon.

  4. OUCH! I have pretty frequent back, hip and leg pain. It's not as bad as yours but it's bad enough and you have my deep sympathy! I hope it gets better soon!

  5. Oh, Shirley, I'm sorry to hear about your back. I went through similar issues after a car accident. I did find the "nsaids" helped a lot, although the stomach issues from that can be a pain, too. I hope you feel better soon.


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