Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A little bit of Duck progress

Since the majority of demolition on the Duck is completed....it seems like progress is really in baby steps these days. but i hadn't been out there in almost 2 months so that didn't help. but this weekend i had a few plans.

First off....i finished pulling off the rest of the red asphalt shingles from the top walls of the back porch. it is now ready for paint scraping and new paint.

And i replaced the brown paper that i had on the windows that face the street with actual curtains. they are not exciting but are a step above the ghetto paper that i had in the windows. LOL

My sister tells me that i am the only person she knows that has curtains but no walls. hey....it might be a new fashion statement. LOL 

I also pulled down the wood that had boxed in the area above the kitchen cabinets.

It makes the room seem larger. i might want to put something decorative up there....don't know yet. they also boxed in the area above these windows...which is above the sink....so that had to go, also.

And there was a cabinet in this corner....a small one all by its lonesome and i decided i didn't need that there, either. it limited the height of the counter space under it. so it came down, too.

Now there is just more plaster that i have to knock down off that wall up there....but that is ok. i can do that.

I did get my carpenter out on Saturday and he put in my other 4 windows and the last door i had to install.

Here are the bedroom new windows with their new curtains. this faces the side where i have actual neighbors and i figured they might like looking at curtains instead of brown paper and pieces of paneling...covering broken windows.

I got the door put up between the kitchen and the garage. we closed up the old door opening and moved it over into a more accessible spot. here it is looking from the kitchen.

The steps going down to this door are 3 steps that are very high...like about 12 inches. i am going to take them out and put in 4 steps....which will be more user friendly. they will go closer to the door but that is ok with me. at least my short legs will be able to get UP the steps.

Here it is from the garage side.

The old door used to be on the right....now covered by the piece of plywood. to the right of the plywood is a hole that goes into the basement....that will be covered up. you can still see the old red asphalt shingles on part of the wall. those will come off, too.

So, i have new doors and windows....and curtains.....but no walls. LOL

There probably won't be much more progress till spring. got to save some money. then the plan is:

1. electricity
2. blown in insulation in outside walls
3. moving inside walls to make new walls
4. batt insulation for inside walls
5. save more money LOL

In the 'save more money' stage i can be scraping paint from doors and woodwork in preparation for prettiness.

My yard guy did take out the bushes from the front of the house for me....and some stumps from trees and bushes. so the yard is looking cleaner, too.

In my attempt to tear out more plywood on the walls of the back porch i pulled something and had to stop. i got xrays yesterday of hip and knee but probably need to go back for an MRI. believe it to be nerve damage. dang it.....it just get healed up from surgery and have to lay around again to heal up again. i need a younger body. good thing winter is coming....it is easier to lay about when the weather is bad outside. but there won't be any standing and quilting for a bit, either.



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