Friday, December 30, 2011

Goals for 2012

Notice i didn't say resolutions....that sounds too permanent....and gives you bad self esteem if you don't 'keep' your resolutions.

Goals sounds better. it's a place to reach for. just far enough away.....but attainable. take little steps and reach your GOAL by the end of year. easy enough. well....not EASY....but do-able.

I can do it....i can do it...i can do it....i can do.........

Most people start on January 1...but those who know me know that i am definitely NOT most people. i started a few days ago. a few days ago i cleaned off the treadmill. what???? it IS TOO a start.

Today i actually got ON the treadmill and walked a mile. it took me 23 minutes which is not acceptable forever...but ok for today. i will improve. January's goal is 30 miles.

I am a member of on awesome site online...Machine Quilters Resources...MQR for short. i have joined the 50/50 club this year. the goal is to lose 50 pounds in 50 weeks. so, i am hoping having to report in every Friday morning will keep me on track. i tried this a couple years ago and fell off the bandwagon ..... but the idea is to keep trying until you succeed. i actually lost 30 pounds in i know i can do it. the losing is not the hard part for's the keeping it off that is tough. January's goal is 5 pounds.

Other goals for 2012 include:

Stashbusting...getting 300 more yards of  fabric out of my way or another. i busted over 500 yards in i know i can do this, too. in 2011 i used most of that number but some was donated or sold. i don't care HOW it goes....just so it goes. i have fabric on eBay right now. LOL whatever sells by the end of the Wednesday...will be counted as 2012's goal. yes i's my rules.

UFOs...i have joined the UFO challenge once again this year with JudyL over at  I met all of last year's challenges so wanted to do it again and get at least 12 more UFOs out of my studio. last year's goals were just tops that were done and only needed quilting. this year....i'm going for the projects half completed in the plastic tubs. sigh!!

Crazy Quilting...i have joined yet another group to make a crazy quilt block....fully embellished....every month. it is the crazy quilt journal project. there are, i think, 286 people from around the world in this one. or maybe..386....something like that. anyway, there are LOTS of us. i have started this project already. i have January's block done and am working on February. i don't count that as cheating. winter is a good time to surge ahead on projects that you know will bog down in the summer. i'm just sayin'....i know me. LOL

Hand Applique Quilts...i have at least 4 applique quilts that i want to make. i have gotten into doing hand work and want to stitch these applique quilts by hand rather than by machine. i have started this project already with my Home and Hearth wallhanging. i have half of the blocks finished. they got finished because i took them with me to the Duck and worked on them at night. right now they are in a box....better make more trips to the Duck.

Dear Jane Quilt...i would like to finish this quilt in 2012. i have rows A through E finished....most of F done....and several blocks from other rows. just need to squeeze in a block or two here and there. it is presently hanging on a 'design wall' (other quilt) in the kitchen area where i sew in the evenings. reminding me that i need to work on it.

House projects....sigh!!   don't we all have house projects?  some of mine have been on the 'list' for years. it's really sort of depressing how we can 'adjust' to live with things as they are. some of 2012's projects include:
 1. close in the garage area. currently the doorway has no door and the rolling garage door is gone.
 2. finish the concrete block wall in the corner. (i know what that means)
 3. finish caulking and painting the kitchen ceiling
 4. hang the curtains back in the plant porch. i's not a huge job...but i keep procrastinating on it. after all....i painted in all looks pretty. i hesitate to make holes in the woodwork to hang the rods to hang the curtains...pitiful.
 5. finish my flower beds at the studio...there are 2 of them.
I am thinking of making May project's not too cold or too hot. get some stuff done. i hope

OK....i am scaring myself. this sounds like a lot to accomplish. and that is ON TOP of all those customer quilts to do. and trips my sister and i like to make. i'm gonna have to give up naps in 2012.

Gotta go...things to do. LOL


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