Saturday, December 31, 2011

How to set a quilt with 11 blocks

My friend Kay brings me embroidered blocks and i turn them into quilts for her. she has brought me 4 blocks, 5 blocks, 12 blocks, 9 blocks....all easy enough to set. this time she brought me 11 blocks. what do you do with 11 blocks????  i lost a LOT of brain cells over this one. but one tiny brain cell finally emerged and showed me what to do.

Ta Da!!

My first plan was just to use those 9 blocks and perhaps make pillowcases or something out of the other 2. i'm telling you....i wasn't seeing a plan. that middle part was together for weeks. as i played around with it in EQ i realized i could cut the other 2 blocks in half and use them that way. then i had another dilemma....would Kay want me to do that?

I almost called to ask...but then thought....what if she says no...LOL   THEN WHAT?  so, i just bit the bullet and did it. she always says she loves what i do. she calls me a miracle worker...this time i just might believe her. LOL  then it took another little while (couple months) before i could figure out the dimensions for those corners. wasn't there a formula somewhere?  who knows.

And i didn't have ANY fabric that would go with this and not be garish. so my friend, Marilea, came through for me with the background and sashing fabric.

And just for fun, i cut little circles of flowers out and put them in the middle of the flowers...are those daisies?

So, we are one step closer...we have a top. i hope to get it quilted in January. it's only been here for at least 6 months. and i have 2 more sets of blocks to work on, too. but, if one of those sets is 11 least i know how to set them.


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