Thursday, January 19, 2012

#5 UFO is finished

Yes, finished....pretty?  LOL

My reputation as a quilter may be at stake here. this UFO was in the box for some time. some blocks were made already and others had pieces cut out. i pieced together the blocks that were cut out. after getting them all finished....i discovered that the first blocks that were made were 1/2 larger than the other blocks. who knows how that happened.

I didn't want to cut them down and mess up the pattern of the Churn Dash so i just scrunched them all together as best i could. so wherever a red block meets a white block...the red side has tucks. at this point i just want to say it is finished and done. this is what it SHOULD look like. hahahahaha

This is what mine looks like.

Looking from far away it is not bad. but i quit before making all the blocks so the intersections don't have cute little hourglasses like they should. i can live with that.

There was more than once that i wanted to just pitch it all in the trash. but was determined to get that UFO finished and out of here. having to report to Judy is incentive to finish.

It was total frustration and i don't like the final product at all. perhaps that is why it stayed a UFO for so long.

Don't know what i saw in that americana fabric in the middle...blech!  i have learned to not let things become UFOs...tastes change and what i liked a few years ago ..... i can't stand today. so, even though it is will not live here. it is going somewhere else...anywhere else.

The backing is a paisley of navy, red and white...although my pic is all fuzzy. but it worked for a backing.

Let's hope next month's UFO is something i like better.

Stay warm and be happy....i'll see ya



  1. Congratulations on finishing! Now you never again have to fight with this one to make it fit together! I like it and so long as you don't show the original photo next to it, noone is ever going to know you didn't do it exactly as the pattern was written. In fact, you could just tell everyone you did it that way on purpose and they'll never know the difference. (Better delete this blog post first, though!)

  2. This is definitely a "man on a galloping horse" moment. All of what you say are errors can't be seen in the pictures.... with the exception of the change in your fabric tastes! Find it a good home so it doesn't haunt you and somebody will love it for the snuggle factor it can still provide.

    And a UFO out means more room for something new!!

  3. Your post made me laugh. My guess is that you started this quilt in the early 90s. I recognize a lot of those fabric. Some still live in my stash. Yes, taste change!

  4. Love the story behind your quilt! Taste does change. I was thinking you can donate it to a charity and it will be loved and appreciated! I hope you do like the next UFO you will be working on. I'm afraid that I will feel the same way about my February UFO as you do about this one!

  5. Beautiful quilt and sometimes you just have to get the OTL. Judy C

  6. That is one of the problems with not completing a project our tastes change. Any imperfections won't be seen once snuggled up under the quilt. Well done for completing it!


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