Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bits and pieces

I had to go and find breakers yesterday for the breaker box at the Duck. and took hubby with me to make sure i got the correct ones. but first we did the important thing and stopped for lunch...Taco Bell....not a bad start. and stopped at an antique store on the way home to look....i hadn't been in there before. didn't buy anything but lusted after a Hunter Cupboad. a huge cupboard with carved doors at the top...carved hunting scenes. and a plate rail with doors and shelves underneath. just beautiful ..... and huge....and $1400.  well!!

So, i never made it to the studio yesterday. but i had finished all the 'have tos' for the month so i was ok with that. i spent the majority of the day making crumb blocks. at 11:30 last night i was trimming up the last of 46 blocks. whew....what a day. piecing them all and then starching and ironing and trimming takes a bit of time but so worth it. i only need to make 21 more to have 500....enough for the quilt i want to make. it took me about a year and a half to get this far with these. i just threw tiny pieces into a tupperware container that came from other projects.....other people's throwaways. LOL   when the container was full i would piece some blocks. there are hundreds of different fabrics in these blocks....and some pieces are TINY....maybe a quarter inch shows. hahahaha   but i am saving more tiny pieces and will continue to make crumb blocks for more quilts.

I have been appliquing my home and hearth blocks....only have 1 more block to do. and then applique the borders and that top is finished.

I almost finished my February (blue) crazy quilt journal project block. still want to put a spider web and spider on it. i pieced the March (red) block and put a couple of things on seams but haven't worked on it in a few days.

Still walking on the treadmill...although this week i have more days of 1 mile than 2. but still making my goal of 7 miles a week. and still walking back and forth to the studio each day. good thing there is not snow and ice.

And tomorrow i am headed to the Duck. the weather should be halfway decent for the the my electrician is going to start my wiring. he says there will be hundreds of holes drilled and lots of wires run. i hope to find something there to keep me occupied while he works. gotta remember to pack that thermal underwear.

I have a 'free' day today so will wander over to the studio and see what i can get into. i have several smaller quilts in the cabinet that might be quilted. i want to use up my batting scraps ....long pieces maybe 5 to 8 inches wide.

So, stay warm, be safe, and i'll see you


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