Monday, January 16, 2012

The January Section

By the end of the year i will have a couple more quilts....thanks to online projects that i have joined. i am in the CQJP...crazy quilt journal project....the idea is to make a CQ block each month and add it to their blog for all to see. there are hundreds of entrants from around the world.

I decided that just 12 blocks would not make a very large quilt. so i am making a 9 patch...centering my CQ block in the middle. then by the end of the year i will have 12 sections to put together to make a bed size quilt. pretty good idea, i think....sometimes i scare myself. hahahaha

Here is the January section.

I am trying to use mainly cottons on the outside blocks with a few of the CQ fabrics thrown in so they sort of match.

And they won't have any embroidered seams or embellishment.

This block (above) has an appliqued was a practice piece from class last week. it's a bit of bright color in the darker fabrics. and that block under it .... see that gold and black piece of trim. it is really cool although it may not hold up to the washing machine. but i sewed it down a lot.

I hope it turns out as i envision it. it will be a busy mishmash of things. LOL

I'm thinking of putting some lace or something either around the middle encrusted block or on the corners so it stands out a bit.

What do you think....should i put something in the corners or around the middle block so it stands out more....or should i just let it blend in. maybe buttons in the corners. 

Come on people....i need ideas. LOL


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