Sunday, January 15, 2012

Blue Paths to Heaven

This morning i got the binding on another blue selvage quilt. i just made up this block to use smaller sections of selvages so i don't know if it is an actual block with a name. i am calling it blue paths to heaven. don't know just seemed to be a path to somewhere.

And they kind of remind me of the rail fence block. my setting was to turn each one so they alternate directions.

And i didn't notice until i got the binding on it....but the first small border is the same navy blue polka dot as the binding. must have been fate.  i must have bought a lot of that....that same polka dot fabric is all over this quilt...check out the previous photo.

I used a panto on it called Botanical Anne Bright. i made myself stick with it and got it all quilted yesterday. there were 7 rows. the only place you can really see the pattern is in that blue border. the rest is just too busy.

It is a pretty good size....88x100 inches. i have made 2 blue selvage quilts now and have enough left to make at least 2 more. most folks think it takes so many selvages to make a really doesn't .... you would be surprised what you can do with a small bag of selvages. they go a looong way. trust me...i know this.

In the interest of getting more fabric out of this studio....i managed to find some fabric that i had 5 yards of to piece a backing. it even has some blue in it.

And they are cute little kitties in baskets playing with balls of yarn. so i feel that worked ok. but, in the future...don't be surprised if backings don't match the front of the quilt at all.....after all...they don't have to. and they might be a conglameration of ugly fabrics. but on a scrap quilt....that might be ok, too. the fabric has to way or another.

So, i am on to quilting the next selvage quilt....this one made of triangles....a few thousand of them. it marinated in the closet for several months before getting finished. it's time is now. LOL

What have you made with your selvages lately? go try it....make a few blocks....they are addicting though....don't say i didn't warn you.


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