Saturday, January 14, 2012

A list is essential

Since i have been trying to organize and use my time more efficiently, i have gotten so much done. a list is essential for this. i write down what i want to accomplish for the day....and i can almost always scratch everything off the list. that feels SOOOO GOOD. LOL

Today i accomplished the following...
...vacuumed the studio
...delivered a quilt to a customer
...finished quilting the blue selvage quilt and made the binding

...pieced the backing for the next triangle selvage quilt
...pieced 7 blocks for the yellow selvage quilt
...sewed together 4 rows of the UFO challenge quilt

...pulled fabrics to make crazy quilt blocks
...pieced 5 crazy quilt blocks (out of 8) to surround the January Crazy Quilt block.

It is amazing what i can accomplish when i stay off the computer. LOL   i am taking less computer breaks and when i do sit....i make sure it isn't more than 10 minutes.

And i figured something out today that made me smile. i have been walking on the treadmill every day...most days i do 2 miles. but i am also walking to the studio. it's only 1/10 of a mile there.....but..there and back....2/10s of a mile.....5 days worth...and i've walked another mile. so, now i have another mile to add to the weeks walking schedule. how cool is that. little things make me happy. hahahaha

Tomorrow i just have 3 things on my to-do list....
...put the binding on the blue selvage quilt
...load the triangle selvage quilt
...finish sewing the rows of the #5 UFO challenge quilt together and perhaps put on a border.

So, tomorrow might just be a half day at the studio. i might come back home and work a jigsaw puzzle or something....hmm...i could take a nap. haven't done that in a few weeks. been too busy taking care of those to-do lists.

Might have to chill out a bit tomorrow.

Do you make to-do lists?  does it help you?



  1. I'm an on-again/off-again 'lister'. Other times, I list what I HAVE done after-the-fact, which some days surprises me, other days - not so much. Currently I'm 'overwhelmed' from having gotten so far behind and for various reasons 'just not caring'. I sure hope to change that attitude this year! The hardest part is getting started at any point and then sticking to task to finish what I start (mostly in regards to housework). And yes, this old computer can sure eat up the time.

  2. I love lists! I have lots of them, in fact I can do lists of lists .... I don't seem to have quite your success rate though, maybe I should cut them down a bit!

  3. I'm with you, I can't live without a list. I get so much more done that way. I am also doing better at limiting my computer time. Not as much as you, but better!


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