Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Accomplishments in stitching

I haven't showed you lately what i have been working on.....but my fingers have been busy.

I am on Row H of the Dear Jane quilt. here are a few blocks. this is H13 (red background) and H12.

This is H11 (yellow) and H10

And H9  (red) and H8

I have 3 more blocks to make in the H row. i also did a couple more in the top border but didn't take a pic....my bad.

Remember the Home and Harvest wallhanging?  i have the last 3 blocks finished.

Falling Leaves

Leaves and Feathers ... love that little fat bird

Basket of Posies ... those were a lot of tiny pieces to stitch down. maybe those are pussy willows?

Now all i have to do with this is add these blocks to the rest and applique the borders. looking forward to finishing so i can move on to the next applique quilt.

I really loved appliquing with this wool felt and i really would like to use it again in my next quilt. but i want to use cotton as my background. so i am going to make a test block and see how it works and launders and wears. i decided to use a pale green flannel as my background. i will do a block and if it works out...then it will be a pillow to go with the quilt. wish me luck. everyone says you can't mix wool and cotton and wash it.....but i am a rebel. after all...everyone used to throw away selvages and look what i can do with them. LOL   i will let you know how that works out.

Our class quilt this year is to commemorate the secessation of states. our teacher likes the Civil War and history. the center block will be South Carolina...which she tells us started the whole thing. the blocks are 10" finished. i have trouble with these little pieces and it isn't as straight as it should be. and this is the center of the quilt. LOL

And surrounding South Carolina are 4 applique blocks....of which i have 1 finished. it has a cotton boll on it and tobacco leaves....which she tells us are on the state seal. where else do you get history lessons with your quilt lessons.....cool. 

All blocks will be set on point. i hoped the fabric in my tobacco leaves would look like veins in the leaves....but my sis says they look like turkeys to her. sigh!!  but my cotton boll has a cute dragonfly on it.

I am certainly enjoying all this hand stitching. but  don't worry...i won't be selling my sewing machines any time soon. hahahahaha

Gotta go.....quilting to do.....catching up to do....talk to ya


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