Monday, January 30, 2012

Ceiling Demolition at the Duck

Who is this woman???!!!

Nah...she's not from outer space...that's just me...preparing to crawl up on scaffolding and tear out a ceiling. you don't even want to see what i looked like after....just pour plaster dust and black gunk all over this picture and you'll have the 'after'. yuck!  LOL

I decided the ceilings had to come down after all...mainly to get the old insulation out of the attic. so i had the bright idea that i could at least take down the boards that held up the ceiling tiles that i pulled down. i'm sure glad i didn't go up and pull all the staples out of those boards yet. Here are half of the boards torn down.

You see that big hole in the plaster up there....that sort of fell on me when i pulled the boards off. my ceilings are tall...but not tall enough to stand up straight on the scaffolding....i needed about another foot. so i sat on a milk crate with my pry bar and hammer and crow bar and pulled all the boards loose from one end....

and then had to move the scaffolding over to get the other end loose. i was a bit leary about getting the boards down and not breaking a window but turned out that wasn't an issue and i didn't have a problem.

i had to move the scaffolding 3 times to do the ceiling in 4 sections.  it took me about 3 hours to get all the boards down. it went quicker once i figured out the system. and, as you can see, more plaster fell down, too.

Once i got all the boards off, i figured i better get all the rest of that plaster down, too before it just fell on my head....or someone else's head.  so that required getting on a ladder and pushing my pry bar under the plaster to get it down. sometimes it came down in 1 foot chunks...once i got about a 4 foot section down at once. but it did require going up and down that ladder several dozen times to move across the ceiling. that took another hour.

I tossed the boards out into the garage...and then went out when i was finished and stacked them off to the side. i thought i would keep them..might have a need for some of them later. most of them are whole...although the ones with knots in them usually broke at the knots. they are 1x4s so might be useful later but there are a lot of nails to pull from them if i use them again.

So now i have piles of plaster in the living room. next time i go down i will have to pick those up before the slats and insulation come down so clean up is easier. i couldn't deal with it then because my back got tired and sore and i didn't want to hurt myself. here is half of the ceiling....

And here is the other half..

I bought more contractor trash bags to pick it all up. i need to get a dumpster soon to clear out the garage (for the second time) there will be room for the ceiling debris. and that will also necessitate a third dumpster. who knew there was so much crap to get rid of before you could start prettying up. i have 5 more ceilings to take down. ugh!!

Then in order to move the scaffolding to the next room....i will have to take the top rails off so it fits through the doorway. then put it all back together again. it's a pain to do but nice to have. that would have been a miserable job to do with just a ladder.

Probably be 2 or 3 weeks before i get down there again. Rick still needs to finish the wiring. then i guess i'll let him and his guys take down the rest of the ceilings. that's a young man's job. LOL

Until next time...stay warm and stay safe.


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