Monday, January 30, 2012

Stained Glass .... sort of

I don't remember where i found this's been a while ago. but the idea was to use a piece of fabric that you really didn't want to cut into small pieces to make blocks for a quilt. you use the whole piece of fabric and cut it into larger pieces and then fuse it onto a background with space between the pieces. so you get the effect of the whole piece of fabric that looks kind of like a stained glass windows.  no piecing.

Like this...

It turned out kind of cool...

But i think i needed a different fabric. wonder how it would have looked with a panel of scenery...

Maybe something other than flowers. hmmmmm....

Gosh...there are so many ideas out there in cyberworld. i sort of quilted a rough echo inside the parts...about 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch apart. and did curvy lines in the border. will i ever make another one?  who knows...maybe...with a different print perhaps.

Here is the back. i had enough of a floral stripe to piece a back.

You can see the quilting a bit better here.

It turned out to be 46x60 inches. you are sort of stuck with the width of the fabric that you cut up.  actually, now that i think about would have been easier to just leave the fabric in one piece and stitch bias strips over it for the 'stained glass look'.  oh well, i can say i tried it.

It will be a donation quilt for someone.

Gotta try new things...right?  LOL

Keep sewing...keep learning...see ya 


1 comment:

  1. It's a really clever idea! I like your quilt and it will be a lovely quilt for a little girl.


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