Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February Section for CQJP

I am finished with the February Section of my crazy quilt for the CQJP (Crazy Quilt Journal Project).

I am liking these large sections and think it is going to be one awesome quilt....not to mention large and heavy. LOL

Here is the actual February block

And some close up sections of it. here is the main focus....a lovely Victorian lady surrounded by lace and rickrack and some beads. scrunching up that lace and stitching it down was the pits....just sayin'

Love this little crocheted starflower that i found. with orchid silk ribbon inside.

Had to put this little bunny button in the flower garden. i braided some yarn there on the bottom. and stitched over the leaves in the fabric to the left of the bunny. made those little purple flowers behind the bunny with waste canvas. i have just discovered that and like using it. it does take a bit of getting used to though.

A gold heart shaped button with more trim and embroidery embellishment. that was a gold velour ribbon that i tacked down with the rickrack shaped trim on the edges...then added french knots to the trim...then added X's to the ribbon....then put silk ribbon under the Xs....then added french knots to the Xs.  got carried away. the piece of velour ribbon will be the last thing standing on this quilt....it is stitched down GOOD.  LOL

A gold filigree trim tied down with some silk ribbon and a bit of embroidery fern. right above that is some blue rickrack with orched embroidery thread down the middle. .... then tiny tack down stitches of pink in the middle of that. i think i like layering. hahahahaa

Some silk ribbon flowers and a tiny purple dragonfly bead. the leaves are a trim that i bought. the flowers i just made up as i was stitching.

This was a rather large beaded earring that i found in a thrift store...LOL...it's about an 1" across. but the purple, green and gold beads just seemed to fit. and a bit of white trim with red decoration on it. then i added some red stitches to that with embroidery thread.

And here are the blocks surrounding the encrusted middle block. I just add a piece or 2 of embellishments to these blocks. this one has a white piece of trim with cute little tassels.

I was in Jackmans Fabrics last week and found a basket in the upholstery department with bits of trims on sale for 25 cents each. that is where this little bit of purple trim with tied tassels came from.
 This one has a large piece of lace dyed dark blue in the corner. it reminds me of a spider web and if i can find a spider button i will add it there.
 This one has some dark blue rickrack and a piece of purple lace. i dyed all my pieces of lace to match the squares.
More rickrack and a tiny bit of flowery trim right above the blue floral batik in the center 
Piece of light purple gauzy ribbon on the bottom left and another dark blue trim on the right 
More dyed laces 
 In the top right corner is a blue sort of crocheted net piece. i found that at the Upcycle Exchange place. it was part of a sample card with different colors and styles of netting. rather unusual. look for more of these pieces in future blocks. also a bit of purple lace. and some tiny red velour rickrack in the bottom left corner.

I like this section better than January, i think. i kept going back and adding more. i don't know if it is the crazy quilt 'way'....but the more i add...the better i like it. is that a bad thing?  ahahahahaha

I am currently working on the March block....it is red, orange and gold. will be an eye opener for sure.  get your sunglasses ready.

Keep stitchin' and be happy...talk to ya


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