Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January Color Pallette Challenge

What do you get when you combine Judy Laquidara (www.patchworktimes.com) and Vicki Welsh (www.vickiwelsh.typepad.com)

Why, you get the 2012 Color Pallette Challenge. every month Vicki will give us a color pallette from a picture that inspired her and Judy is hosting our progress pictures on her site. We are to make something with those colors....we can make anything....a quilt,  a wallhanging, a table runner, a garment, anything.

Our pallette for January was this. I used my Kona cotton solids. the colors i chose were navy, windsor, turquoise, grass green, raisin and (?)..i lost the name tag from the last piece. LOL oops

Vicki's colors came from this tile. i thought i would do a tile piece, too. i found a block in EQ that i liked and made 6 blocks. i actually cut 6 base pieces and sewed them together but decided after the fact that i could have just cut it as one whole piece. ..next time.

I cut out all the pieces and fused them onto the base with Steam A Seam 2.  i like that you can just trace your piece on the SAS2, press it onto the fabric and then cut it out. easy.

Although in the pattern all the tiny pieces were cut out individually.... i learned from the base and i consolidated and cut them out together to make whole and half flowers. and the long green sections in the middle were done as one piece also.

This was rather fun to do. it wasn't colors i would have pulled together to make something on my own. and it didn't take a lot of time. one evening to trace parts and another evening to cut and fuse.

This turned out to be about 17 x 23 inches. although i am not going to quilt it yet, i consider this challenge finished for this month. my plan is to make each month's challenge the same size and combine them all together into a quilt at the end of the year. it will be the 2012 Color Pallette Quilt. LOL

I like that idea. OK, Vicki....what's next. 



  1. Awesome!! You'll have to wait a bit for the next one!

  2. What a great little quilt! I'll look forward to seeing the design you come up with this month!

  3. This looks great. I found it really interesting to hear how you did the fusing. You're going to have a great quilt at the end of the year:)

  4. That is so pretty! You make me want to venture out of my box and try something new!

  5. Very pretty! You'll have a beautiful quilt when you're done.


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