Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Put Some Selvages in Your Quilts quilt

I belive more people need to experiment with selvages. this is my advertisement for that thought. LOL

It just came to me one day that i wanted to make a selvage quilt with words...and this is what came of it.

I made it in rows and used different simple blocks in each row. adjusted widths to fit my words.

Mostly freehand quilting except for ruler work around words and ruler for the CC.

This also used up almost all of the neutral fabric stash.

I put squares of selvages together...about 7"....and then cut the strips that i needed.

I thought it would go together quicker than it did...but it is a rather large quilt. about 90x95.

It will be shown in my trunk show and class in February. who knows...it might inspire someone to make themselves a selvage quilt.

I love this background quilting. it is a pattern that goes quickly and can be made smaller or larger and fits any space. can't beat that.

The back was pieced from some yardage i had on hand....the only thing i had enough of.

Here's a closer view.

I have a couple more selvage quilts i want to get quilted up this month. nothing like a show to get the rear in gear. hahahahah

Have you made something with selvages?   NO????   what are you waiting for?  you are missing out on stress free fun.


1 comment:

  1. It's awesome! I haven't made anything other than a postcard or 2 with selvages.


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