Thursday, April 5, 2012

May Crazy Quilt Journal Project

I have finished the May section of my CQJP. this one took a kept getting set aside for other things.

Here are the other 8 blocks that go with it. they did not get extra embellishments as i did in previous months. i may still go back and do that.

I don't seem to have as many purple scraps as other colors.

I had mislaid these for a while. they got covered up with other projects and never got worked on again. when i was ready to put them all together...i couldn't find them.

I started to make more...and after the first re-do...i was SURE i had made them already....just had to find them.

Finally uncovered where they were hiding. so, no further embellishment for now. hopefully, later.

Here is the section all together. it is all dreary and rainy here today so i had to lay it out on the deck to get a half decent picture.

It is not my favorite out of the bunch....maybe it's the purple. couldn't get 'into' it like the others. gotta get my mojo back. LOL  i think i will do the next month in neutrals.

Gotta go play with fabrics and see if i can find the mojo. talk to ya


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