Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Roosters are Crowing

This rooster fabric was rescued from my friend, Maralie's garage sale last summer. i finally decided to use the rest of it up. so i cut blocks of roosters and flowers. it came out about 60x70". the blocks are 5.5" finished.

The alternate blocks are yellow selvage squares.

The only 'rule' i gave myself was that each square had to be the same selvage. so i could only use longer selvages that would fill up a square.

Sometimes there were enough selvages to make a square but there were several pieces...different widths. so, some blocks have thin pieces of selvages and some have thicker. and some have some of both. LOL

I was running out of had to use some golds, beige and 'almost' yellows. that's's my rules.

The green is another Maralie sale fabric.

The back was pieced with the green of the border and the last of the rooster fabrics.

It would have made it easier for me had the rooster design people put those blocks in a straight line instead of staggering them. some of my roosters lost their feet in the cutting process and some baskets lost their bottoms.

It will be a donation quilt somewhere. i quilted it with my Quiltazoid templates with Bright Neon Yellow Glide thread on the top and a green Bottom Line in the bobbin that matched so exactly i could hardly see it on the back.

Another bit of stash used up. now to go and pull more stash to piece the next backing. it will be wild, i think. i'll let you see it


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