Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April #10 UFO .. Winter Games

The UFO for April was a doozy....i only had a couple of blocks pieced and i had to read the whole thing again to figure out where i was and what i was doing. but it is now finished. it is called Winter Games.

I quilted the devil out of it....gave up counting bobbins after 30. i used 5 different colors of Glide thread. most of it matches pretty well and the quilting doesn't show a lot. i'm never sure if that is a good or a bad thing.

I was trying to quilt something different....sort of expand my horizons. LOL

But i had to go with the usual CC in the black and white checkerboard blocks.

The setting triangles look a bit complicated but i figured out a path to quilt the whole thing with only 1 stop and start. you have to work from the inside out.....and finish the corners as you come to them. i couldn't decide how wide i wanted the cross hatching.....so there are various sizes. hahahaha

It would have looked better with a wider border but that is absolutely all i had left of that fabric. so....it is what it is.  that is the trouble with old UFOs....you pull fabric out of the project and use it for something else.....or you don't allow enough fabric to finish the job properly. i sincerely hope after i finish all these UFOs that i stop myself from accumulating so many of them in the future.

The back is a wide back of black and white flowers. i figure it matches the black and white blocks on the front.

I used the backing as the binding, too. and i used every inch of that, too. all there was left was selvages and a couple of small strips.

I like this one now that it is done but it took me a while to finish it up.

May's UFO is #2.....another one that i only have 2 blocks pieced.....but it is much simpler than this one. so, off to start on that one so it gets done sooner rather than



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