Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Color Palette for May

I love May's color palette. not only do i love the colors....i loved eating those candies when i was a kid.  shoot, if i could find them now.....i would love eating them again. LOL

Here is the color palette given by Vicki Welsh. wondeer why it doesn't show the white in the color palette. hhmmmm...

And here is my design created in EQ7

And here is my little creation...all pieced together. little 3" finished blocks. little rail fences with the dark and light colors.

I added the white for the sashing. for the sashing cornerstones i had some fabric that had a yellow background with tiny red, blue, orange and green squares...perfect i thought.

I got this project out of the way first this month. i wanted to be sure and get it finished. now i have to finish up a few customer quilts so i can go back to the Duck at the end of the month and have more ceiling demolition fun.



  1. OMG, that is so cute! I don't include white, and usually don't include black unless I feel it has to be there. I assume that people can add white, gray and black as they see fit.

  2. Look'n good! (I have never seen that type of candy before, makes we wonder what I've missed out on!)

  3. I LOVE it!!!! The colors just stand out so wonderfully!!!

  4. I love your entry. It really has the quality of those sweets!


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