Tuesday, May 8, 2012

More ceiling demolition

Will i NEVER be done with ceiling demolition? i got the rest of the bathroom ceiling down and almost half of the kitchen. i was going to stay and finish the rest of the kitchen.....but it just got hot and i wasn't feelin' it. i was wearing a long sleeved shirt to keep the insulation particles off of my arms and i couldn't face another day of it. my husband actually came down, too and worked with me for a few hours. he pulled the 1x4s off this kitchen ceiling for me.

 He also unscrewed dozens of screws that were in the ceiling rafters in this room (the future studio). .. and pulled nails that i couldn't get because they were too close to the screws.

Although he is smiling here....it was a tough job. holding that drill over your head and getting up and down from that ladder.

This ceiling is now all clean...no nails, screws, slats or plaster. got to fix 2 split rafters in this room.

We did get the electricity all run and it is finished. i'm sure Rick is glad to be done with that project. i am going to order some windows next and when he installs those we will also lower the bathroom ceiling about a foot.

The next time i go down there ..... i swear i am not coming home until the rest of those ceilings are all down. i just have the bedroom and half the kitchen to finish. i am sick of ceiling demolition.

I want to do some pretty work. hopefully soon.  everything that would be FUN to do....has to wait till


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