Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A few pretties finished

In the last week or so i have finished a few little things and started another new thing. sigh!!

I have block 5 done for the My Tweets hand applique quilt top. i worked on it while i was at the Duck. this is the second block that only has 1 bird on it.

And last week i got more embroidery designs from www.designsbyJuJu.com  i love her stuff....she has all kinds of cute kid stuff. and every month there is a sale...the more you buy...the cheaper they are. and returning customers get free designs. what could be better.

I just had to start this alphabet applique set. i have lots of scraps to use up. i like the A is for apple; D is for drum is ok, too; not sure about the E is for egg....would little kids know those are eggs?

I guess B is for bee is ok...or is that butterfly...or just bug?  either works.  C is for car is cute...i put a cat in the window. F is for flower...i got a little funky with the fabrics and variegated threads there. i'm not sure about the G is for gift. i don't think little kids will get that one...don't they think 'present' rather than the word 'gift'.

And H is for hearts. that's as far as i got that day. more to come

Now that i am back home i need to get back in my groove. i'm going to load the next quilt...then in a few hours i need to go and mow....it rained so the grass is all grown up again. i'll have more quilting pics for you


1 comment:

  1. Shirley, I love checking your blog to see what you've been up to. I think you are a fascinating woman!


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