Saturday, May 12, 2012

Spectacular customer quilt

I just finished this terrific customer quilt. terrific because of her piecing skills and this pattern....not my quilting...just making that clear. hahahaha

It wasn't quite queen size....but pretty close. took me about a week. she 'just' wanted SID....ALL the seams...SID. 

After a couple blocks i figured out how to travel around with one start and stop and just a few trace overs.

I used (at customer request) flat black So Fine and bottom.

Absolutely no quilting shows except in that narrow green border.

There are 7 borders....4 narrow reds, 2 blacks, and a green. she wanted some i put those in the green. the black borders have freehand fills.

I think she paper pieced this. those are some awesome pineapple blocks.

The back was a black wide fabric. i tried to mute the color a bit to gray so the quilting might be seen....but i don't think i was very successful.

So, the main reason for this post is the awesome quilt....just pretend you can see quilting. LOL

That's 2 down and 4 to go for this month. gonna throw one of my small ones on the frame tomorrow and panto it up. then class on Monday and back to quilting on Tuesday. my sister's quilt is up next.

Hope to get all caught up in the next 2 weeks so i can go play at the Duck



  1. Shirley...I have been recently chosen to nominate 5 people for the Liebster Award. The Liebster award recognizes smaller blogs with a following of less than 200 followers. I enjoy reading your blog so I would like to nominate you! Congratulations!

  2. That is a spectacular quilt ... too bad you had to do all that SID, but the end result was worth it!!


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