Monday, June 25, 2012

I've got a problem

When i walked over to the studio this morning i got a big surprise. right out in the open....a huge nest of wasps...hornets...whatever they are. in my vine on the trellis right by my steps.

I haven't been to the studio in a couple of days...they have been really busy. i might not have noticed a smaller nest....but this one is about 7 inches tall. i am always on the lookout for nests in my eaves...their preferred spot to build. you can see they built right around the vines.

There are dozens of those critters flying around there and going in and out. they are black....i don't think i have seen those kind around here before.

I used my last can of Raid wasp and hornet spray on them. they were coming out of there by the dozens. i kept spraying till the can was empty....then quick stepped it right back inside. i wish i had another can. i can't seem to find this spray any more. i used to get it at the Dollar General store and the last couple of times i have been there they didn't have any. i am going to town tomorrow and will be on the lookout for more spray. i hope they haven't quit making this stuff or something. i use about a dozen cans a summer.

I will check on them when i go back to the house...


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