Friday, June 22, 2012

June Color Palette finished

I finally decided what to do and pieced my Color Palette Challenge for June. This is a monthly challenge for the year...organized by Judy Laquidara ....    with color palette photo given by Vicki Welsh ....     

Here is our photo for the month. a close up of a flower with purples, greens, a yellow and an orange. ... and my chosen fabrics. ... Moda solids.

And, as usual, i could not decide what to do. i wanted to do a one block piece this time. i played in EQ for days...changing my mind and re-coloring.  yesterday i thought i had it...and hit a wrong key and closed EQ out and lost it all. i got frustrated and went on home. finally i decided on the Storm at Sea block and got it set up. this was a paper pieced block. my piece is rectangular so it looks stretched out.

And here is my finished piece. Looks like i moved the camera....i have shadows. why is it when i look at a photo of what i have done......i always want to change it. LOL   i'm thinking i would have liked it if the inside corners of the block would have been yellow......the pieces between the other 2 yellow pieces. wonder what that would look like. well.. who knows...i'm not making another one.

So, one more thing crossed off this month's list. now if i could only finish the customer quilt on the frame. i am such a procrastinator these days...and that is so not like me. i should go finish it now....or.....



  1. Great spaces for some awesome quilting! Nice job Shirley!

  2. I like it! I'm the one procrastinating. Got to get to the challenges!


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