Friday, June 22, 2012

My day at the VA Hospital

Yesterday Jim had 4 appointments at the VA Hospital....and he needed a driver. So, my day went like this:

4:30am......alarm going off...wake up...ugh!
5:00am.....get on the road for the 130 mile drive...ugh!'s still dark outside....and i'm usually still sleeping
7:20am....get to the VA in Columbia
8:00am....first appointment.....done in about 10 minutes

8:15am....went down to the canteen to have some breakfast and check out the retail store....nothing exciting in either place. but we did get some food. appointment.....done in about 10 minutes

hurry up and wait. got time till next appointment. roam around a bit....that hospital is H.U.G.E. appointment.....took longer....perhaps 20 minutes. one thing for the VA....they get you into your appointments on time.

Now have a 2 hour wait until the last appointment. we have been basically sitting all morning. it is freezing cold in that place. they say they keep it cool to prevent germs from spreading. no self-respecting germ would be in that me. you could tell the rookies (us) from the regulars....the regulars had sweaters or blankets for their legs. we had shorts and no sleeves. we went outside to warm up. now....for the last few days it has been 85 to 90 degrees outside and all sunny. so, today it is overcast and windy. it was just as cool outside as in. sat on a metal bench for about 30 minutes till our butts went numb...then went back inside to sit some more.

1:00pm.....last appointment. this one took an hour and 15 minutes. but that was actually good....because they estimated the time needed as between 1 1/2 hours and 2 hours. by this time i had no feeling left in my butt and had finished about a dozen crossword puzzles in my book. and read a few chapters in my novel that i brought along.

Then we go and stand in another line so he can get his travel voucher for miles spent driving to the clinic. and then stand in another line to get money for said voucher. we were out of there about 2:45pm. that was the most sitting i had done in one day in a very long time.

The VA hospital in Columbia, MO looks very new and clean...but it is huge. the employees are all happy and helpful. we asked directions...a lot. LOL  and the roads down there are nice and there was basically no traffic except going through Jefferson City for a few blocks. not a bad way to spend a day if you have ways to amuse yourself.

So, we went down the road to the Stadium Grill for lunch. they had excellent food....but it was cold in there, too. the waitresses were in short sleeve shirts and shorts. but i noticed some patrons had sweaters...experience once again.

Then we stopped to fill up the truck with back on the highway for the 2 1/2 drive back home.

Stopped at the grocery store for a few things.

And got back home by 6:30pm. Whew...what a day.

Our pup, poor Suzy, was outside all day and very happy to see us.

I hope i don't have to relive that experience any time soon.....or....


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