Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My 20 hours labor at the Duck

My days start early at the Duck. i usually wake up with the sun and go and get started before it gets too hot. i had some yard work on my list for this trip so i tackled that early. about 8 o'clock i went and picked up Jim from the beast so he could start his list. i trimmed these bushes back to the fence so the yard guy could get his mower closer to the fence. and there was a large pile of trash there that i picked up also. filled 6 trash bags. looks much better. the little yappy dog next door was not happy with me. hahahahaha

And i picked up the last of the plaster that i had dumped in this nook. i cart it home and dump it in a hole that i am filling at the farm.

I put some brown paint on the trim around the back door. makes the siding look even dirtier.

And painted the trim on the window on this back porch, too.

Got some brown paint on the trim around the front door. i had to be brave and get the ladder out to do the very top. i don't like that because the ladder has to rest on the steps and i am a chicken.

I came back the next day and didn't like the white trim around the door when i drove up...so i painted it all brown...i like it better. once the new windows get in and the siding spruced up...it will be better yet. While i was painting out there....wasps kept flying into a hole under the concrete ledge on the right side step. i was keeping my eye on them. there is some Raid in their future if they are still there the next time. i plan on buiding a little porch there from about the end of the mailbox to the corner of the house. maybe about 6' out. then put wooden steps and a railing. this is too awkward from the steps right into the inside...there is a high step. and that ugly mailbox and numbers are going, too.

I also painted the ledge under the windows and around the house. i intended to step on the top of the flower bed there to paint it....but it was wobbly. so i got the bright idea to paint it from inside. i hung out the windows and painted as far as i could stretch. then took a milk crate outside to do the very corner and stood on the steps to do the part by the door. i will go around the house on the other side, too.....maybe next time.  you know....now that i look at the pictures....i think i will paint all that gray concrete stuff dark brown, too. the siding will be painted a light tan/sand color. then i'll paint the porch to match the siding. what do you think?

This is the ceiling on the front entry...that used to be a porch that the former owner enclosed. those are staples up there...with bits of ceiling tiles attached. i tackled that early one morning, too.

Now it just needs a bit of scraping and caulk and is ready to paint.

I also cleaned up around the ceiling in the bedroom. i had left nails in the rafters and a few slats at the top....so i took care of those.  and pulled nails around the perimeter of the rooms once again. when i cleaned all the debris out from between the studs i found more nails to pull. it never seems to end.

And our girl, SuzyQ, went with us also. she really wasn't happy about it though. sometimes she came to the Duck with us and sometimes she stayed at the beast with my sister. i think she liked staying at the beast better....there was a couch and bed to lay on. LOL   the Duck was just dusty. although we brought her quilt for her to lay on...she just followed us around and laid down wherever we were. she got a shower when we got home. and she is 8 years old today...so happy birthday Suzy. she is getting gray hair on her chin....we probably stress her out. LOL

I ordered 7 new windows on this trip, so in a couple weeks i will have to go down and take delivery of those. and i have started my new list of things to do...a lot of it is painting.

And i am working on figuring out how much drywall i will need and insulation. that might be work for september or october....when it gets cooler.

Maybe next time there will be pretty pictures to see.....and i will show you


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