Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Jim's 20 hours of labor at the Duck

Jim went with me to the Duck this time ..... he said he needed a road trip.  hahahahahaha    i might have cured him of that. he came home after 2 1/2 days labor saying his calves were screaming at him from going up and down the ladder and he was tired.

But he got all but one thing done on the to-do list that i had.....but he also did a few more things that weren't on the list. i got my money's worth. and for the record....i paid him with food...hahaha...Long John Silvers, McDonalds, KFC. cheap labor

First he tackled the wall in the back room. someone used 2x6s to close it up instead of 2x4s...so i had him take out the 2x6s and replace them with 2x4s. it was about a 10'x5' area. there were 4 2x6s holding it up but he put 6 2x4s in their place....to match the studs above and below them. i had to use some old 2x4s that were pulled from other places in the house because this was done many years ago and the widths of studs back then were actually 3 1/2" wide....instead of the 3 3/8 that they are now.

This is from the inside....plywood back in place...ready for insulation. see how nicely those studs match up at the bottom.

This is the doorway between the dining room and living room. i had him remove the middle piece of wood so i could reinstall pocket doors that i found.

This door never closed properly...plus the old door jamb was messed up in the demolition process. so Jim took out the old piece and brought it home so he could create a new jamb to pop back in there. i didn't have any old pieces that were the same so he has to create one. old lumber once again.

There were some slats and plaster still left up in this corner of the kitchen....but he cleared them out. reciprocating saw to the rescue.

And this little corner of the hall had some slat boards stuck in the corner that i couldn't get out and he cleared that out, too.

Then he tackled the breaker box. there was some tightening of wires to do....had to go and get a proper sized allen wrench to accomplish that. good thing the home center store is just down the road....we made about 3 trips a day there.....getting parts or pieces that we needed.

He got the plywood back on the wall...

And got the cover on the breaker box. now the laundry room is ready for some pretty..... paint, beadboard, niceties. i plan on getting a fancy light switch cover, too.

Jim also tackled jobs that i didn't get pictures of....don't know why not. sometimes i forgot the camera was there and sometimes he just worked too fast for me to keep up with him. things i don't have pics of....

...he took out the old window in the studio that faced the front porch. a new window has been ordered
...he covered holes between the studs in the floor where you could see into the basement. i know this probably didn't matter since the walls would cover it....but i didn't like the idea of spaces for creatures to come up into the walls from the basement. i felt better about it.
...he removed a sheet of plywood under the windows on the back porch. i had started it and just couldn't get the long nails to give it up...he made it look easy.
...he cut a couple boards off even at the corner of the garage. the previous owner had just attached the plywood fence to the back of the garage. but i couldn't take the whole piece off or it would expose the insulation in the garage...so i had Jim cut it off evenly. i'll deal with that later.

And then...as if that wasn't enough....he installed 7 lights. This one is just outside the back door...on the enclosed back porch. it came from a yard sale for a buck.

This one is outside the back porch...it was bought new.

This was the same light that was already there....in the front entry foyer. needs a bit of paint still. and a little ceiling repair.

This is outside the front door. bought new, also. i think it got installed a bit high and looks a little funny to me....but that is where the hole was cut and wires run by the electrician...so we just went with it. it might just look weird to me because the house is higher there because of the steps. if it were at ground level it might look ok. or maybe it needs to be larger...but for now....it will do. i'll get used to it.

This is the enclosed front porch/entry. i never know what to call this 'room/space'. i found this light at the Salvation Army for $5. he was sort of mumbling about the sale finds because all the parts might not be included and had to be figured out how to install....more trips to the home center store. hahahaha

But look....isn't it lovely. with a coat of paint on that ceiling to match the color on the light....it will be terrific. it's about 18" long.

Another pieced together light from parts i found at the Duck...going outside the door from the garage to inside the house. i plan on parking my truck on the end of the garage and that will be my main entry into the house. .... it goes into the kitchen.

And this one ... another yard sale find....is above the kitchen door steps from the garage. now i will have lights everywhere....once i turn the electric on, that is. that is on the agenda for the next trip. .... call the electric company and have them re-install my meter and turn on the juice. it will be great to plug something in anywhere instead of hauling around an extension cord from the garage. i'll feel uptown. LOL

Although i guess i worked Jim to death....he did an awesome job on all these jobs. things i would have had to pay someone to do. can't beat husband labor. LOL

Next i will show you what i accomplished while all this was going on.


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