Friday, June 8, 2012

July's CQ blocks brought to you by .... India

My crazy quilt block for the CQJP for July is compliments of India. a few weeks back i had bought some wild, bright, sequined trim from a lady's Etsy shop in India. there was every color of the rainbow. and i was fascinated by the fact that she sewed together a little muslin bag, by hand, to ship the trims to me. i also purchased a couple of little elephant trims, too.

So, to celebrate is block 1.....that will go for the crazy quilt journal project. i used the same yellow fabric in the center of each block. this block has one of the elephant print trims that i got from her. the trims from India are the sparkly blue on the center left, red on the center right, and gold on the bottom.

This is block 2...i put a hand made frog in the center of this one. yes, i know, that has nothing to do with India....i just liked him.

Block 3 has part of the bag that she sent the trims in. her handwriting is a bit rough but you can see the last word in the address reads "India".  i even left the paper label.

Block 4. i might put something in the middle of the ones that are plain....don't know yet. the bright red trim with the swags came from a thrift store find. i pulled it off a shirt.

Block 5

Block 6...this one has some dangly beads, too. at the bottom of the dark blue velvet piece at the bottom. there is a mesh piece covering the yellow center.

Block 7 holds the other elephant trim....i didn't want them to be i used them both. the red fabric under the elephant has a gold fringe i had to leave that on the top, too.

Block 8...this one has lots of India, purple, green, red, white. the heart in the middle was a thrift store find. it is felt.

And block 9 ... i used that beige fringe trim a lot....i see it on 3 blocks. and i used almost all of the India trims. i could sew right through them easily....i was afraid i would have a problem but i did not. they were just a tiny bit stretchy, also.

Already i have started on the blocks for August....this time in yellow. i don't have a lot of yellow, so i gave myself permission to add, golds, beige and some browns. and they have a certain print in the middle, too. will show you when they are finished...


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