Saturday, June 9, 2012

June #12 UFO finished

It is not even the middle of June...and i have my UFO for this month.....#12....finished. a great sense of accomplishment. the pattern is a split 9 patch. no idea where i got the pattern.....possibly EQ.  all the pieces were cut out and most of the blocks were done. had to piece about 8 or 9 blocks, assemble and quilt. i like finished.

This is the printout that i i believe i put this together in EQ.  it was designed larger...30 blocks.  but i stopped at 20 when there were no more brown pieces left. good enough.

I also changed the layout that i had. i like the new layout better. it's about 82x98". only about a 5" strip of that border print left.

Glide thread on the top....Bottom Line in the bobbin. goldish colors

Used panto called Star Swirl...i like that pattern....quick and large.

The back was pieced with the last of the yellow...the last of some gold floral i had in the studio...and some dark brown to make it long enough.

I haven't used muslin in weeks....i wonder how many more backs i can piece from my stash.

Now i shall go dig through the UFO pile and see what else i can dig out and finish up. .... or at least work on for a while. if i finish anything else ...i'll show you...



  1. Great finish! Isn't it funny when we can't remember where the pattern came from or even starting some of these old UFO's?!?!

  2. Lovely warm and cozy colors. Congrats on your finish--this is a big quilt!

  3. Great job on finishing June's UFO so early. The quilt is adorable!


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