Sunday, February 24, 2013

Disappearing 4 patch

My friend, Marilea, gave us this pattern at our last class. it is so quick and easy and i really liked i had to make it. i used my pack of 10" squares that i won at our Christmas party.

The squares with the most contrast look the best...and is the way that her pattern read.

But i wanted to use all the squares that i had. but i didn't get the proper contrast in some of the darker blocks. poor planning on my part.

One day i hope to learn to look at the big picture and think on it some before jumping in and doing stuff. sigh!!  probably won't happen soon. i think i need a note taped to my nose.

The blue border is the piece of yardage that i got with my won squares. the only piece i added from my stash is the small light colored border. so, fabric in...fabric out....within 2 weeks.  how cool is that?  doesn't happen often. LOL

It will join it cousins in the to-be-quilted cabinet...awaiting it's turn for quilting completion. now....what to do ....


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